Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last month in Seville!

So I have been neglecting to blog about my everyday life in Seville. The past few weeks I have just been focusing on my classes. I have now finished my internship, got an A in my life and culture class, have this week off for the Spring Fair in Seville, and only have one week left of my literature class until I come home. Because of the volcano that erupted in Iceland, flights to Ireland have been postponed. We’re praying that they resume by Tuesday, since that’s when we leave for Dublin to see the Dropkick Murpy’s concert. I hope it works out. Then the following Friday after my last final, I head out to Rome! 4 days in Rome, then back to Seville to pick up my stuff and get to Madrid to come back home to the states.
We’ve had more rain these past weeks.  We decided not to go to a beach this weekend since it was supposed to rain, so me, Kristen, and Teena went to Jerez, a small town about 1 hour train ride from Sevilla, to visit the bodega (winery) of Tio Pepe. The name of the company is Gonzales Byass, but their famous sherry wine is called Tio Pepe, or Uncle Jo. It was such a pretty winery, we got to see how they make brandy, sherry, signatures on the barrels from the famous people that have visited the bodegas, and try Tio Pepe and Croft wines. It was a lot of fun.
A few weeks ago we went to a Sevilla Futbol Club soccer game! It was half price tickets, and I even bought a Seville scarf. It was a lot of fun getting to see the people of Seville support their home team in the most popular sport over here. We beat Tenerife 3-0. It was a great game, even though I don’t’ know much about soccer.
These past 2 Saturdays we’ve visited the beaches of Cadiz and MatalascaƱas in Huelva. It’s fun to try different beaches, but mainly it was nice to see the sun. Plus, walking in the Atlantic Ocean in fun. 
I uploaded a few pictures last week of some normal sights of Seville, and some pictures of the Spanish grocery stores. I don’t know what it is, but I really enjoy shopping at the grocery stores. It’s so interesting to just walk down the aisles and see all the different things they have. I’m going to miss the Spanish grocery stores, and the cheap Spanish cookies.
Last night we went to Ashley’s house because her housemom’s son was having a 30th birthday party. It was really fun to see a typical Spanish house party. They don’t do that very often, so it was awesome to get to be a part of it. There was lots of smoking, beer, guitar playing, and singing. I met a guy from Japan, Germany, France, and all over Spain. It was a great cultural experience as well.
Back to the rain. I’ve decided that I DO like rainy days. I prefer thunderstorms, but rain is nice too, either when I am in my house nice and dry, or when it’s a summer rain. I just don’t like the cold that comes with being wet and in the rain. Today after a walk in el centro with Kristen, I ran into a DOWNPOUR on my way home. Even though my pants and shoes were wet, I didn’t feel cold. So I ended up taking off my shoes and walking through all the puddles on my way home. Then I lay in my bed listening to the sounds of rain, thunder, and lightning. It was really nice and peaceful.
I can’t believe it’s less than 3 weeks until I go home. My time here has really passed quickly. I’m excited to be home, but I am starting to get sad to leave. Oh well. I’m going to make the most of the rest of my time here.

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