Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Frankfurt, Germany

Hi from Germany!
So I finally crossed the big pond known as the Atlantic Ocean. It took me 9 hours flying from DFW to Frankfurt on a huge Lufthansa plane. I had a seat on the emergency exit row, so I had extra leg room, which was nice. I sat next to a tall German guy (kinda cute too) who spoke mainly German and I think he spoke a little English. I didn't talk to him much. The food was pretty good, surprisingly. They served me dinner and breakfast. :) I got to watch Up and Harry Potter 6. Then I slept the rest of the way. I didn't get to see the ocean because it was dark, cloudy, and I had the aisle seat. Oh well.
I am officially in a foreign country. I made my first purchase of a bottle of water with a German label, first purchase with Euros, and first time trying to put in my international SIM card in my phone. Problem. Aparently my phone is locked, so the new card won't work until I unlock it. In order to unlock it, I have to call the AT&T number. Problem. I don't have any service on my phone here. So my solution: wait until I get to Spain to fix my phone. Technology and I don't get along very well. So I am in a foreign country kind of disconnected from everything I know. It's 4:27am in Texas, so everyone is sleeping. I had to buy internet time here in the airport, 8euros and hour. Oh well. It's worth it to give a shoutout from Germany to people back in the States.
I have some pictures, but because of my lack of time, I will post them later.
I love you all and hope you're doing well. I should be at my hotel able to set up skype tonight by at 9pm my time, which will be about 2pm Texas time. So if you want to get ahold of me, I'm in Europe and will be back on skype later.
Sorry for the long message, I just have so many new and interesting things to say and I feel a little disconnected from those I love right now. The good thing is that I don't feel all that tired yet. The jet lag has yet to set in.

Next time I talk to everyone it will be from SPAIN!!!



  1. Hi Kate! Its okay about the phone, you will figure it out. Let me know if I can help on this side. We are sooooo excited to read your blog. Sounds like you are doing okay. I will Skype with you about 3:00 p.m.(2200 Seville time)We Love You - Mom and Dad

  2. Hi Katy! check your sbcglobal email for phone instructions! 11:45-LBB (6:45 Seville)Love, Mom

  3. Aunt Gin says: you are doing great, Katy. Have the best time ever.
