Saturday, January 23, 2010

Seville Week 2 and Córdoba

Hi everyone!
So it’s a rainy day here in Seville, so our tours of Seville today got cancelled. So I got to sleep in and catch up on some reading. It’s a good thing I get to stay inside all day, because I have a little bit of a cold, I think.
Yesterday we traveled to nearby Córdoba, a city in the same region as Seville. We took a bus for about an hour and a half, then arrived in the city. We went to visit the Mosque and the Cathedral, which was really easy because they are both in the same place: literally. The great mosque was built when the Moors controlled Spain, but when the Catholics took over, they decided to built a Cathedral. Instead of using a different spot of land, they just built in right inside the Mosque! So they have this amazing mosque filled with hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful Roman and Moorish pillars, almost like a geometrical forest of pillars, then right in the middle, the Christians removed some of the pillars and built a Cathedral right inside of it. It would have been a beautiful Cathedral, had it not ruined the beautiful mosque that was there. It ruins the absolute beauty of all the pillars being able to be viewed from all over, by putting this cathedral really out of place smack dab in the middle. These pictures can by no means do it justice, but they can give you a general idea of the place. It really was truly amazing to see this place. And the orange patio outside the mosque was really beautiful too.

After seeing the Mosque/Cathedral, we had a chance to just walk around the city and look around. It reminded me a lot of Seville, but it was still cool to see. I have a few pictures that I’ll post on facebook. It was a lot of fun to see this place and I can’t wait for Barcelona next weekend and Granada the weekend after.

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