Friday, January 8, 2010


So I got to walk around Seville, today which was awesome! The streets are so narrow and they wind around a lot. I think I am going to get lost a few times, but I'll discover a lot. I went out with some friends tonight and one of the girls who had been to Spain before introduced us to 2 of her Spanish friends Paco and Charlie. It was fun because they didn't speak English! We also went to a bar and saw a Flamenco dancer, but it was just one lady, a man singing, and a man on guitar. It was very local and low key, but it was still need. It is a very passionate dance and song style. It was really interesting.

Tomorrow I meet my house mom. I don't know if she'll have internet, so we'll see if I'll be able to keep up with the blog as much.

I'll talk to you all later!!!


  1. That would be ironic, to start a Spain blog and then not even be able to keep up with it. :)

  2. Isn't that funny that one of the first 2 people you meet in Spain is named Charlie!! I love reading your blog. Your writing is very discriptive so it is easy to visualize. Have fun! Aunt Gin
