Thursday, January 7, 2010

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Hi from Spain!

I made it safely to my hotel. Leaving Lubbock at Noon on Tuesday, layover with a wonderful surprise visit from my amazing boyfriend, 9 hour 40 minute plane to Frankfurt, layover, 2 and a half hour plane to Madrid, taxi to the train station, 2 and a half hour train, and a taxi ride later, I'm in Seville!!! Here's inside the hotel. I'll post the rest of the pictures on facebook because it's faster. Anyway. So I start my in-country orientation in about an hour where I should find out all the other information I need to begin my journey in Spain. I already feel a little homesick just for the feeling of being somewhere familiar. I already miss all my friends and family, but I am going to have fun. I love you all and will post more information when I can!

P.S. If you want to call me, my international number is 44 792 424 0327, but it may be expensive, so I suggest skype. :D


  1. Dios te bendiga Katy comienza el viajel, Love Mom and Dad

  2. Glad you arrived safely! Love your blog!!

    Love, Tim and Elaine

  3. If you are lonely for someplace familiar - make your way to the nearest McDonalds. That always helps!!!!! (I understand they have them all over the world). Really enjoy your blog - hope you have the time to keep adding to it. Be safe, Love, Aunt Norma
